Snail IDE, PenguinMod, & TurboWarp Privacy Policy

Updated May 29th, 2024 at 1:13 PM (Eastern Standard Time)

This document applies to,, and any of its subdomains.

We may log anonymous aggregated data such as how many people use the site, how often a feature is used, what operating system and browser is used, and diagnostic information such as cache hit ratios.

When using our Project Sharing: any projects uploaded will have their project name logged, any projects uploaded are publicly viewable (including unapproved projects if you have the URL to them), and any projects uploaded can be modified by admins of the service in any way (project image, project name, project code, etc.)

When using cloud variables, the project ID and your username may be logged for up to 14 days.

Your randomly generated or chosen username is stored in your browser's local storage. To mitigate the potential to track users with this feature, all randomly generated usernames are anonymized before the server receives them. However, usernames explicitly set by a user may be logged to help prevent abuse.

Built-in Scratch extensions that require Wi-Fi (such as Translate, Text to Speech, LEGO, micro:bit, etc.) may connect to the Scratch API to implement these features. Refer to the Scratch privacy policy for more information. The Translate extension may instead make requests to a TurboWarp API, which may then forward your request to the Scratch API and log the message being translated and the result for caching and performance.

In rare circumstances, connections that are appear to be spam may have their IP logged for up to 24 hours. This happens very infrequently and only in cases of extreme abuse.

Built-in PenguinMod and Custom extensions that require Wi-Fi or use Wi-Fi to get online data (Website Requests, Extended Audio, CloudLink, HTML iframes, Storage, etc.) may connect to any user-specified API, which will grant the owner of the website being connected to: Your full IP address (and possibly location), the ability to show or display anything (if the extension is showing the info returned to the user), and any other things public APIs can do.

This document does not apply to third-parties, including other users or bots connected to cloud variables, links to external websites, custom extensions, or some advanced URL parameters.

Other services

When using cloud variables, the project ID and your username may be logged for up to 14 days.

Your randomly generated or chosen username is stored in your browser's local storage. To mitigate the potential to track users with this feature, all randomly generated usernames are anonymized before the server receives them. However, usernames explicitly set by a user may be logged to help prevent abuse.

Built-in Scratch extensions that require Wi-Fi (such as Translate, Text to Speech, LEGO, micro:bit, etc.) may connect to the Scratch API to implement these features. Refer to the Scratch privacy policy for more information. The Translate extension may instead make requests to a TurboWarp API, which may then forward your request to the Scratch API and log the message being translated and the result for caching and performance.

In rare circumstances, connections that are appear to be spam may have their IP logged for up to 24 hours. This happens very infrequently and only in cases of extreme abuse.

Built-in PenguinMod and Custom extensions that require Wi-Fi or use Wi-Fi to get online data (HTTP, Website Requests, Extended Audio, CloudLink, HTML iframes, Storage, etc.) may connect to any user-specified API, which will grant the owner of the website being connected to:
- your full IP address (and possibly general location using your IP address)
- the ability to show or display anything (if the extension is showing the info returned to the user)
- any other things public APIs can do or access

This document does not apply to third-parties, including other users or bots connected to cloud variables, links to external websites, custom extensions, or some advanced URL parameters.

Editor extensions

Core - HTML iframes (referred to as "iframes" here)

"iframes" may connect to user-specified websites. These websites may be allowed to access:
- your IP address
- your general location (using your IP address)
- any web API
The websites specified may also display any content, however Snail IDE will attempt to automatically scan the website for any potential viruses or vulnerabilities. Major adult websites are also blocked, and most others are blocked aswell.
Snail IDE does not allow projects uploaded to only display content from other websites. Uploaded projects must contain content of their own, and certain websites may cause the uploaded project to be deleted or rejected.

Core - Scratch Authentication (referred to as "Scratch Auth Extension" here)

The "Scratch Auth Extension" will connect to Scratch Auth for Log-In. Scratch Auth can access:
- your IP address
- your general location (using your IP address)
- your public Scratch Account information
The "Scratch Auth Extension" also allows your public Scratch account information to be accessible to the PenguinMod project, however other tools, extensions or APIs are required to get information past your Scratch username.

User-submitted (G1nX) - Better Storage

Better Storage will connect to Scratch Auth for Log-In. Scratch Auth can access:
- your IP address
- your general location (using your IP address)
- your public Scratch Account information
Better Storage can also access any info that Scratch Auth can.

AI Extensions

In Snail IDE we have multiple AI extensions powered by diffrent technologies. We have extensions for chatbots like Google Gemini and OpenAI's ChatGPT. Both of these extensions were made by the Ruby Dev Team, but we will most likely make changes to the extensions for Snail IDE. We also use ml5 powered extensions which are all created by champierre.


The Snail IDE wiki is hosted by the service InfinityFree, they provide free hosting for php sites, the domain for the wiki ( is also provided by them. All accounts are stored on a secure database in their servers.


Head developer's scratch profile

Also while your here check out the flag counter we have.